Think about when you’ve spent the entire time at the gym watching the clock or thinking about your to-do list. When you aren’t focused on what you’re doing, you may lose that sense of satisfaction for the effort put in and, more importantly, your workout may not be as effective.
When you’re in a rush to be done, how much attention are you actually giving to each movement? If you add more focus to your workout, it will increase the takeaway benefit and your personal sense of satisfaction.
When you’re distracted, you may lose the ability to feel and appreciate your own strength and power as you exercise. There is a flow that happens when you pay attention to what you’re doing in the current moment; one that you may be missing out on when you tune out or let distractions creep in. Consider trying to find a flow and stay present during your workout using some of the strategies below.
Set the GOAL for today
Often we set long-term goals for exercise, like weight loss or increased strength, for instance. While this is beneficial, it doesn’t help as much for the specific workout at hand. Perhaps your goal for the immediate session could be to improve the movement, to push harder than would be your “comfort zone”, to improve breathing throughout, or simply to finish the entire workout. Set an intention for the workout at hand, know your goal for that session. Once you connect to an intention, moving through the session will have more meaning. You will feel more connected and engaged.
Know the WHY
Why are you prioritizing exercise? Why is it important for you to workout? Perhaps you want to be fit for life, keep up to your kids, improve longevity, reduce stress… etc. Know your why and use it to enable proper focus to what you’re doing for the time you’ve set aside.
Attention to AIR and FORM
Focus on the breath and the use of the muscles in the core and diaphragm to help move air in and out, regenerating you during the session. This can also help you re-focus when your mind wonders. Pay attention to form and posture. Pay attention to cues from the coach or those you’ve learned and really apply them. You will definitely take more from the workout when you prioritize breath and form.
Think about the PRIVILEGE of EXERCISE
You did not have to workout today. You chose to workout today. You got to workout today. You were able to take time to prioritize yourself. That is awesome! There’s something about the session that you can be grateful for. You, your friends, co-workers and family members will get a better version of you because of this time taken to exercise. The endorphin hit is like no other. It really is a privilege to exercise. When you think of it this way, you can only be left with a positive post workout vibe.
Next time you find yourself at the gym tuning out, pause for a second and try to tune in…. You might be surprised at how different and more enjoyable your time spent exercising might be.
Let me know how it goes.
Dr. Michelle