Magnesium – A Heavy Hitter for Health

Magnesium is the superhero of all minerals.  It is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps to maintain nerve and muscle function, promotes a healthy immune system, supports the heart, and helps bones remain strong. It also helps regulate blood glucose levels and aids in the production of energy and protein.

Even though we may technically get enough magnesium from a quality diet, modern food production practices have reduced nutrient density of many foods, so we may not be getting as much as we think. There are many reasons to consider adding magnesium to your supplement regime, especially if you aren’t certain you’re getting enough from your diet alone.

I. Magnesium can Improve Exercise Performance // During exercise, you use about 20 per cent more magnesium than the resting state. Athletes supplementing with magnesium were found to have better running, rowing and swimming times.  

II. Magnesium Fights Depression // Magnesium controls many neurological functions. Low levels are linked to a higher risk of depression. Supplementing with magnesium has been shown to improve mood.

III.Magnesium is an anti-inflammatory // Low magnesium intake is linked to chronic inflammation, which is one of the drivers of aging, obesity and many chronic diseases.  

IV. Magnesium reduced insulin resistance // Insulin resistance is one of the leading causes of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. It’s characterized by an impaired ability of muscle and liver cells to properly absorb sugar you take in. Adequate magnesium can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Getting enough magnesium is vital. Many foods contain it. High-quality supplements are also available. Perhaps you want to try to up your magnesium intake with foods. Some of the richest magnesium food sources include: pumpkin seeds, spinach, swiss chard, dark chocolate (70–85% cocoa), black beans, quinoa, almonds, salmon cashews, halibut, quinoa.

Alternatively, use high quality magnesium supplements. I like Thorne’s magnesium citramate as well as AOR’s magnesium malate. Always speak to a medical practitioner if you think magnesium supplements could be right for you and/or if you are taking certain medications that may interact with magnesium.  

I challenge you to constantly strive towards greater health. One step at a time. Decide if magnesium is your next step. If I can be of any help or if you have any additional information or feedback to share, message me:

Until next time,

Dr. Michelle

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