Why do some people succeed?

I enjoy writing and I love getting feedback from some of my thoughts and ideas. I’m a gym owner and when I think of writing about a topic, I start by relating it to what I see in the gym or what I’ve experienced in fitness. However, everything I talk about can usually be related to every aspect of life.

Some people succeed in their fitness goals quicker than others. Some may not succeed at all. I actually failed my personal fitness goal, even though I came very close and got pretty fit trying.

You need to take a similar path for any goal; fitness related or not.

You HAVE to start

Starting the process is the hardest part for most. The overall goal usually seems out of reach and the ‘perfect’ time to start is always next Monday. Unfortunately, all the planning, all the waiting and all the worrying is definitely keeping you from achieving your goal. Things don’t have to be perfect, you just have to get started.

I used to delay some of my training sessions to later in the day so I could feel ‘perfect’ to maximize the most out of that session. This usually left me annoyed because I’d be training at 6pm on a Saturday night instead of enjoying time with family. Even though it always got done, it sometimes became a negative experience.

You HAVE to be consistent

To go from not being able to move when hanging on the bar, to being able to pull your chin over the bar requires a tonne of consistency. Years for some people! Developing the required upper body strength just takes time – “Strength takes a lifetime to acquire”

I can guarantee one upper body session per month will not do anything to move you closer to that pull-up. Just like eating a salad once per week won’t help you lose weight.

Goals require consistency and consistency requires determination (one of our core values, more to come on that). Repeating similar things over and over again while only seeing small improvements is tough to do.

You HAVE to do whatever it takes

No, you didn’t “earn” a weekend of junk food because you put a week of good workouts in the bank. Sure, you can eat what you like, but understand it won’t move you closer to the goal of losing body fat.

Doing “whatever it takes” isn’t easy. Turning off the alarm and laying in bed is much easier than getting yourself to the gym at 5:30am. However, that may be what it takes if that’s the only time you have available to get in your workouts.

I believe progressing towards your goals is all about mindset. If your goals are bold enough then they may never be fully achievable, but with the right mindset, you will progress and tip the scales in your favour!

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