Making a Group Class fit your Goals © 2018

Everyone has their own goals. The majority of those being aesthetic. Lose weight, gain muscle and feel good. A group program can’t be tailored exactly to everyone’s personal goals 100%. So how do you make a group class fit your own goals?


If your goal is to be physically fit and active then the group program written exactly as it is (at Defy) will progress you towards this goal, no problem! If you can’t perform movements RX, ask the coach what the intent of the workout is and find movements to enable you to match that intent. This could be intensity based, loading based or skills that challenge you mentally and physically.


We often perform strength specific parts to our workouts 2-3 times per week. If your goal is to gain strength then your focus should be using loads that allow you to perform the movement correctly but it should feel very tough. Maintaining the correct tempo and technique will be the fastest way to gain strength. A quote that I heard from Rob Orlando (he runs CrossFit Strongman) “Strength takes a lifetime to acquire” should be noted when looking to build strength. Another favourite of mine “strength is never a weakness” is always good to remember.

Muscle Gain

Gaining strength will inevitably build muscle but the rep ranges often suggested for hypertrophy may be a little more than the 3-8 reps used in gaining maximum strength. I would suggest during a CrossFit workout you look to use loads that allow you to go unbroken for anything up to 15reps. The muscle should be getting close to fatigue by this point so moving straight into the next movement may not be so easy It should be noted that gaining muscle and strength requires the consumption of a lot of protein. This is your muscle building macronutrient.

Weight loss (fat loss)

The most common goal I come across with new members. Simple prescription; keep moving! Use the strength elements to build muscle. More muscle equals better body composition, simple. Fat loss is the goal, during a workout your aim is to keep moving. Again, check with the coach for the intent of the workout. The saying ‘Abs are made in the kitchen’ holds a lot of truth. You need to get rid of processed food, crappy sugars, and alcohol. If something grew or lived it can be eaten, if it has an ingredients list it probably isn’t real food.

CrossFit as a whole is a great program for a wide variety of goals. Working on technical skills like handstand walking or snatches (if your very beginner) probably won’t yield the quickest results towards the goals mentioned above. These kind of skills are specific to the Sport of CrossFit and are very cool to do but the time spent Deadlifting, Squatting, Pressing or anaerobic/aerobic workouts will be a better bang for your buck.

Every member at Defy Functional Fitness can come and see their coach for a goal-setting session every 3 months. Here we can sit down and plan a road map so you can maximize your time in the gym. Combining group classes with Private Coaching works best for those looking to develop very specific skills.

I believe we have a great program that is really helping our members get Better At Life. We have a good balance of Strength, skill, and cardio and we don’t beat our members down every day with lots of strength work and tough metcons. Structural balance, core strength, and positional awareness are always a priority to maintain safety.

Let me know what your goals are and let’s start making that plan!

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