Tighten up your Nutrition with these Tips

I meet with clients for Nutritional Consultation frequently. The bottom line is that a healthy diet can be challenging. However, you cannot afford to use this as an excuse. A clean and balanced diet is the gateway to health. I believe that a sound approach to food makes up the basis of overall health. You actually cannot get to a higher level of well-being if you continue to skip adhering to a healthy diet the majority of the time. I would say most everyone wants to feel more energetic, age better, have a better immune system. A dietary change is the place to start. Clean eating habits are essential. Ask yourself what it is that’s holding you back? Consider making some changes towards better nutrition today. No one said anything about obtaining perfection. A step in the right direction is all that is needed. 

Over the years people ask me…what’s the secret? The truth is there is no real secret. There are some tips that can help. I have found myself sharing the same kinds of ideas for achieving success over and over. Here they are for you to consider. See if any of these will speak to you. Hopefully they can help you get started or to get closer to your goals. 

Approach to your “IDEAL”

Use the 80/20 Rule. Eighty per-cent of the time you will meet your goals. Twenty per-cent of choices may be less than ideal. You might opt for a slice of pizza or two instead of the salad. You grab a slice of banana bread with a coffee. This twenty per-cent is not permission to go CRAZY. I advise to consider each opportunity to eat as a choice. If you choose the less ideal option, have it responsibly and move on. Don’t have ten of it. We all need the level of flexibility. Also,  if you do happen to get WAY OFF your ideal, reset as soon as possible. Be kind to yourself. Afflicting emotional torture on yourself will not help you recover. This kind of slip is bound to happen from time to time. 

Lowering your Carbs Made Easy (if this had been set as a goal for you)

We all love to have a plate full of carbs with some protein and veg. However, for most people who aren’t training for > 3 hours a day, this is not recommended. Fill your plate ¼ with carbs and ¾ with veggies and proteins. For average women, stick with ¼ cup of the carb ONLY. For men training 2 + hours a day 1.5-2 cups. Otherwise, med should stick to 1 cup. (Disclaimer:  you want specifics, meet up with a nutritionist and calculate these amounts).

Higher protein intake over time will leave you craving less carbs. Make sure you get adequate protein at each meal. Also, if you start the morning avoiding a “carb-y” breakfast you will desire less carbs all day. Try eggs, veggies and/or meat breakfast. Consider baking an egg casserole or muffin cup frittatas. Even a bulletproof coffee can do the trick ( usual coffee, blend with 1 tbsp of grass fed butter and ½ tbsp coconut oil or MCT oil). 

Bake an egg casserole or muffin cup frittatas. Even a bulletproof coffee can do the trick ( usual coffee, blend with 1 tbsp of grass fed butter and ½ tbsp coconut oil or MCT oil). 

Options to feel like you’re getting carbs:

  • Cauliflower or broccoli rice ( i buy pre cut at whole foods) You can also do your own. Check online for how. 
  • Zucchini Noodles
  • Nu Pasta ( konjac low carb noodles that you don’t even need to cook! Drain heat add veggies and tomato sauce, meat and you’re satisfied) 
  • Lots of roasted peppers, carrots, squash, broccoli, cauliflower – these are satisfying veggies esp when oven roasted. Try making a large sheet pan your meal prep.

Be Mindful About Food

Every opportunity to eat, ask yourself what am I feeding? Hunger? Emotion? Boredom? Can I wait to eat? When did I last eat? What is the best food choice available? Are you thirsty? Try drinking a glass of water. And see if in 10 -15 mins later you’re still hungry. Bored – find something to do. Only feed huger. Give emotion or boredom different kinds of attention. Walk, call a friend, read a book, drink water.

We eat mindlessly while preparing food. This is a common thing that we forget to track and the damage can be large. That piece of cheese, that slice of bacon or a handful of nut garnish for the salad. Insted,  drink herbal tea or water while cooking to avoid or chew gum.

Planning is key

Have good food on hand or all set to go. Dedicating a day or two a week to prepare trays/ontainers of food can be very useful. We all know that if we reach lunch time and we have no lunch option planned, we’ll order or grab something that’s quick – like a bagel, burger, a commercial salad which is often a bad choice as well. Carry food with you. Use a meal plan if you cannot prepare. Have healthy snacks on hand at all times. Mini bags of 10-20 almonds, 1 apple, a protein bar ( see my blog on the top picks. Rx Bar or Epic Bar are two pretty good choices). Don’t be caught grabbing a chocolate bar or baked good because that’s all there is. 

How to get that Protein in.

Most active people need 60-100g of protein a day. How can you fit all this in without overdoing it on fat? 

  • Chicken, turkey, lean beef, salmon, shrimp can be added in 6-8oz portions to most meals. 
  • Also add hemp seeds, chia or flax to everything. Goes great on salad greens, in yogurt, or on a rice cracker w nut butter. 

Protein powder blended with ice and unsweetened almond milk or mixed with oatmeal can get you 30g (1-2X a day). Definitely excellent and fast post workout. And also if you’re low on protein macros for the day. 

I like low sugar protein supplements like:

Now you know some of my best nutrition hacks for eating responsibly. These are just general ideas. For specific advice and recommendations set up a nutritional consult with us at Defy Functional Fitness (info@crossfitdefy.com) or a nutritionist you trust. Would love to hear about some of your own ideas and tips. Email me: michelle@crossfitdefy.com

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