New Year’s Resolutions

I’m really not a fan of New Year’s Resolutions. If you’ve made them – good luck, I hope you are successful.

The thing is, why do you need to wait until the new year to start something that you claim you want to achieve? Why couldn’t you start last week? Or in November?

I get it, it feels like a fresh start. Everything that happened in 2022 can be put behind you and 2023 can be a black page. The reality is, it’s just another week. No different to last week and it will be no different to next week.

I assume most people didn’t start their resolutions on the 1st this year either, because, you know, it was a Sunday. Everyone knows you can only start something on a Monday (big sarcastic face inserted here).

In all seriousness, if you suck at something today that you want to get better at – fitness, nutrition, going to bed on time, learning a new language, whatever it is…

Start Now!

Lace your shoes up and go for a run, drink more water or purge the house of all the garbage food in the cupboards.

You don’t need a new year, a new week or even a new day to start making progress towards something you want to get better at. 

Everything doesn’t need to be perfect either. If you want to learn how to play a guitar, but don’t own a guitar yet – you can still watch a YouTube video to get a headstart. Waiting is not necessary.

Often we look for perfect conditions so we can get started and be successful in whatever we are trying to get started with. A New Year often feels like the conditions will be better or different which is why people feel like they have a better chance.

Along the same lines is Goal Setting. When people set goals they get a feeling of accomplishment. It’s like the act of setting the goal accomplishes something. Unfortunately, it doesn’t. The work still has to be done.

I’m not saying don’t set goals – just don’t focus on them too much!

Instead of resolutions or focussing too much on the goals. Focus on what you can control and then get started immediately. Remember it doesn’t need to be perfect. Figure it out as you go. You’ll already be making progress that way.

Here are two goals that can be broken down into controllables:

  1. Lose 10-15lbs and have more energy
  • Go to a gym 3-4x a week (and workout – a good group class helps)
  • Walk 30-60mins everyday (not including normal tasks)
  • Drink 2L of water everyday

  1. Run a sub 4 hour marathon
  • Go for a run – right now
  • Find a friend who has achieved this goal and pick their brains
  • Find a race and register immediately

Two goals, each with easy to do action items that you can do right now AND will help you towards those goals. SMART goals and all the fancy things people teach are all good in theory but there’s not enough action.

Take action and get going, today is as good as any!

Start here

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