Meditation is Essential for Health. Here’s How.

I consider myself a “lifestyle physician”. This means that in all cases I will advise a patient of a lifestyle change or a series of lifestyle changes to attend to their health concerns, or just to promote great health and longevity. Sometimes medications will also be needed, however, a person’s lifestyle can be a very powerful tool leading to poor or optimal health, depending on the choices made regularly.

What makes a healthy lifestyle? Traditionally, health care providers focused on nutrition and exercise. These are certainly two key pillars. However,  I believe these alone will only offer you only 40-50% of your wellness potential. I believe there are actually 5 pillars needed to achieve one’s highest level of health.

These include nutrition, exercise, sleep, positive socialization and meditation. Today I will build a case for meditation for ALL. Yes, everyone should and can meditate. What comes to mind when you think about meditation? I know for many, the vision of a zen buddha sitting quietly for an hour might come to mind. Perhaps the notion that meditation takes a lot of time? Perhaps the idea that you wouldn’t have that time? Maybe you think those who meditate are well trained and can quiet their mind better than you? Perhaps you automatically think, I could never meditate?

I too have told myself versions of these stories, for years. I tried various meditation pursuits and kept feeling like a failure. However, it kept coming up. Many of the holistic health care providers and authorities whom I respect, continue to advise on the benefits of meditation. I am now a firm believer. The fullest life you can live from a health perspective requires some type of meditation. 

Try thinking about it like this: our brains become overwhelmed and muddled every day. And if we have no way to “clean house”, stress residues will continue to build. Sure, some exercise, reading a book and relaxing in whatever way you choose may help, a little. However, these cannot truly clear your mind. This will not allow you to start fresh and prevent stress from building to a toxic level. Accumulated unprocessed stress results in negative health. Both physical and emotional. 

The good news is that there is a type of meditation that is best suited for you. No one size fits all. Sometimes I do a moving meditation ( while running or having a coffee, even while doing a mindless tasks like washing the dishes). Sometimes a seated session of mindfulness works better for me. Mindfulness, simply put, is being present with the breath and letting only the here and now matter. All other thoughts flow in and out, you acknowledge, however, the thoughts don’t lead to a reaction. You focus on coming back to the breath or a word or a mantra. Finally, sometimes a guided meditation is ideal. I might listen to a downloaded guided meditation (eg.  podcast 10% Happier has many to get you started). This can help you stay focused when you feel less able to. Also, apps like Headspace and Calm can lead you through a meditation. These options only scratch the surface. The bottom line is that there are many ways to meditate and there is a way for you! 

I challenge you to commit to trying meditation and realizing the health benefits. I will offer here a VERY simple mini-guide for those of you who just want to dive it. Pick a time of day that you can always have for yourself. Start with 3-5 minutes of mindfulness (a great practice for beginners). Follow these simple steps:

  • Sit comfortably and start to breathe more intentionally, deep into the belly.
  • Focus on the breath. Breathe two seconds in, hold for two, two seconds out, hold for two. As thoughts enter into your head, just keep coming back to the breath. You might even pick a word to “re-center” you back to the breath. Something like “focus” or “flow” or “one”. It is totally normal for the mind to trail off…often. Just keep coming back to the breath.
  • When the time is up, stand up and stretch in whatever way feels natural.
  • Give thanks to yourself for taking this time for you.
  • You’re done! It’s that simple

Each day try to add some more time and work your way up to 5-15 minutes. Notice how better able you are to attend to the challenges of the day and manage difficulty. Also, if you do feel overwhelmed during the day, try taking a few slow “mindful breaths” to clear things and reset. Realize only the here and now matters. One thing at a time. During a busy day in the office, for example, I often get 30 seconds in between clients to have a few mindful breaths. Shake off the stress build-up and start again. It works wonders. What’s holding you back? Give this simple method a try. 

If you are keen to learn about a more formal approach to meditation before getting started,  I recommend a couple of books. These are tailored to people looking to get started in basic meditation that works in everyday life. See which book seems more relevant to you and get started!

  1. Stress Less, Accomplish More: Meditation for Extraordinary Performance by Emily Fletcher
  2. 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works: A True Storyby Dan Harris

Now you know, meditation unlocks a whole other level of health and well-being. It contributes to longevity and helps you tackle whatever challenges arise. You got this!  No excuses. Add meditation to your regime to get yourself #betteratlife. I would love to hear your feedback. Email me:

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