If I introduced myself to you as an addict, there would be a negative connotation attached to that. That introduction would have you assume that I abuse drugs or alcohol.
But I am an addict…
I’m addicted to trying to Get Better At Life. I do that through fitness, nutrition, mindset, learning and any other improvements I can try to make to mine and my families life.
We are all addicted to something but it’s important that you get addicted to the right things!
For years people told me I was addicted to fitness, obsessed with working out and it was always delivered in one of two ways.
- Like it was a bad thing – “Oh you’re crazy, you’re addicted to training”
- Like it made it easier – “oh well, you’re obsessed with training so of course you’ll make time for it”
I think both of these statements help the deliverer feel better about themselves because my addiction lets them off the hook in some way – maybe I’m wrong.
We all get addicted to things for one reason or another. Kids get addicted to playing video games if they are exposed to them enough, adults get addicted to alcohol. Almost everyone gets addicted to sugar if they consume enough and some people unfortunately get addicted to drugs if they get themselves in the wrong environment.
Exposed enough, consume enough, environment – all key ingredients to becoming addicted to anything. Most addictions don’t happen the first time or even the first dozen times, repeat exposure is what it takes to get a true addiction, along with some kind of reward, stimulus or pleasure.
Your first workout isn’t going to get you addicted. You’re not going to feel good, you’ll likely be blowing wind and suck compared to anyone who has been training for a while and there will be no positive results – you won’t feel stronger, or have lost any weight or have more energy (the most common things people want from typing to the gym). You’ll just be tired.
But over time, the more exposure you have in the right environment, you’ll start to feel better and you’ll start to see results. If you do it long enough, endure the hardships enough, you’ll start to become addicted.
Becoming an addict doesn’t happen by accident. Whether you’re addicted to coffee or sweets or whatever – you made that happen over time.
It’s OK, be an addict – just get addicted to the right things!