On a cold wintery day when the sky is grey, the air is frigidly cold and it seems better to stay inside (aka. today), I like to bake healthy treats for my family. Doing things for others is something that fuels me. Probably why my career choice as a doctor was the right one for me. I am a giver and feel great when I am able to help others.
It’s actually been shown that doing kind deeds towards others activate the feel good hormones in the brain. If it’s not baking for you, consider other opportunities to show kindness. Pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru line, offer a hand to rake your neighbour’s lawn, brush the snow off someone else’s car. The act of doing nice things for others will provide you with a small feel good hormone hit. For real. And in turn feeling good helps you be more energized for your own daily pursuits. A win win!
We are approaching the holiday season. Yes. Crazy isn’t it? In any case, the season marks a time for giving and sharing. Think about non-material ways you can give this year. Also consider how you might keep healthy over the holiday season, a usual time of indulgence. Line up some healthy treats to put in place of the traditional processed and sugar laden fare.
I have some ideas to help! Bring my Pumpkin Spice Granola to a festive brunch or as a hosting gift (for gifting – place granola in a mason jar with a rustic bow). Add Paleo Chocolate Truffles to your dinner party’s dessert spread. Both simple and basic, these treats will not disappoint. I hope you and those you love can enjoy them all year round. They’ are a staple in our home.
Pumpkin Granola
3 cups rolled oats ( I prefer gluten-free)
1 cup raw pumpkin seeds
1.5 TBSP cinnamon
¼ tsp cloves
½ tsp nutmeg
½ tsp ginger
Pinch sea salt
½ cup melted coconut oil
½ cup maple syrup
½ cup pumpkin puree
1 tsp vanilla (optional)
½ – 1 cup raisins
¼- ½ chopped dried apple
¼- ½ dried cranberries
½- 1 cup roasted almonds (unsalted)
Preheat oven to 300 F.
Mix together dry. Whisk together wet. Pour wet over dry. Combine evenly. Spread on large baking sheet (or two small sheets) so it makes single layer. Bake 45-60 minutes flipping and turning every 15 minutes. Bake until browning and some crisping of the edges has occurred. The granola will get more crunchy when cooling, not to worry. Fold in the “Add-ins” as soon as granola is out of the oven. Let cool completely on the pan. I like to store in a glass jar.
Paleo Chocolate Truffles
¾ cup plus 2 TBSP smooth almond or cashew butter (natural)
¼ cup maple syrup
2.5 tsp water (or more)
1 tsp vanilla extract
⅔ cup almond flour
3 TBSP cocoa powder (or cacao)
Pinch of fine sea salt
Tsp coconut oil (to coat hands)
½ cup fine unsweetened coconut flakes or cocoa powder for rolling truffles
Mix all ingredients together with a large metal fork or spoon. Batter should be sticky but rollable with coconut oil on your hands. Roll in 1 inch or less balls. While balls are still sticky, place in bowl of coconut flakes or cocoa powder to give outer coating. Can use mini-muffin liners to hold each truffle. Works especially well if sharing with a crowd or gifting. Store in fridge until ready to serve.
Take time to show others you care. Bake up a storm, lend a hand, take time out to show your people that they matter. This will make you and them feel great. Sharing food is one way that fills me and those around me up! I hope these healthy recipes will find their way into your home soon; bringing that feel good effect all around. Any recipes to share? Email me: michelle@crossfitdefy.com. Happy Baking!