6 Natural Ways to Improve your Sleep

Your ability to function and feel well while you’re awake depends on whether you’re getting enough good quality sleep. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, are sleeping at the wrong times, or have poor quality sleep, you’ll likely feel very tired during the day. Sleep deficiency can interfere with work, exercise, school, driving, and social functioning. You might have trouble learning, focusing, and reacting.

Certain medical conditions have been linked to sleep disorders. These conditions include heart failure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, depression, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Essentially, we need to have you feeling optimal during your waking hours to take on the day at hand and also for the sake of health and longevity.

Concerned that you may not getting enough sleep? Make it a priority. Sleep hygiene is the place to start. The basics include:

  • Same time to bed, same time to wake. Consistent wake-up is slightly more important. Ideally you achieve 7-9 hours of quality sleep
  • Limit daytime naps
  • Limit stimulants near bedtime, namely caffeine which can be found in tea, coffee & chocolate
  • Limit alcohol use as it affects sleep quality
  • Limit screen time at least 1 hour before bed, 2 hours is even better
  • Keep a bedtime routine that is consistent
  • Move during the day, even 10 mins of aerobic exercise a day improves sleep
  • Limit rich food intake at night
  • Limit bedroom activities to sleep and sex
  • Keep the environment quiet, dark and cool ( but comfortable)
  • Consider adding magnesium and zinc to your night time supplement regime.

Have you optimized your sleep hygiene and still have restless nights? Trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep? You’re not alone. Almost 30% of people struggle with insomnia or sleep difficulty. Consider trying some of these natural sleep aids.

  • Chamomile tea –  has been used as a relaxation aid for centuries. It acts as a mild sedative, helping to calm the nerves, reduce anxiety, and ease insomnia. Use up to three good quality chamomile tea bags steeped in water an hour before bed to help promote sleep.
  • Melatonin is a hormone that regulates your sleep-wake cycle. Supplements give you a sleep-inducing benefit. A dose of 3 – 5 mg an hour before bed will help with sleep.
  • Valerian root eases anxiety and promotes relaxation. According to a review of sixteen studies, valerian root is shown to help people initiate sleep more quickly and also to  sleep more soundly.
  • St. John’s wort. This yellow, weed-like flower is commonly used to ease depression symptoms like anxiety and insomnia. You can steep it to make a tea. There are also capsules available if you prefer.
  • Passion flower acts as a mild sedative and also tastes delicious. Steep a teaspoon of passion flower in boiling water for 10 minutes before drinking and realize a better sleep.
  • California poppy has bright orange leaves that erase anxiety and leave you feeling relaxed.  Use drops or steep the leaves in hot water for at least 10 minutes to make a tea that’ll  help you get ready for a restful slumber.

There are just a few simple tips to help optimize sleep and attend most naturally to sleep difficulty. If you have significant concerns, it is always a good idea to review these and other options with your healthcare provider. Sometimes difficulty sleeping may require further investigations and/or more in-depth treatment.

Sleep is the gateway to better health. Start attending to yours today. Better sleep means a better you today and in the future!

As the in-house Doctor at Defy Functional Fitness, I am always open to helping others achieve optimal health. Simply email me:  michelle@crossfitdefy.com.

Until next time,

Dr. Michelle

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