Tips to Protect your hands

We use our hands for lots of movements in CrossFit. Some movements like Wall Balls and Back Squats don’t pose much threat to the skin on our hands, but Toes to Bar and Pull Ups certainly do.

As you get better at CrossFit, you start to learn kipping movements, barbell cycling and you are able to hold on for longer. This isn’t too friendly for the hands…

Having ripped hands isn’t a sign of toughness, bleeding all over barbells isn’t hardcore. Sometimes it may happen but if you prepare correctly it shouldn’t happen often.

Here are our TOP TIPS on how to protect your hands:

  1. Wash them with hot soapy water before and after every workout. Washing before keeps the skin soft and stretchy whilst washing after removes all the chalk so they don’t dry up!
  2. Use chalk ONLY when needed and on DRY hands. Too much chalk isn’t good for the hands and putting chalk on sweaty hands will create lumps of chalk that add extra friction and will cause ripping.
  3. Shave calluses to keep your hands smooth. Big thick calluses will catch on the bar and tear off the hand leaving a bloody mess. We use a SandBar to keep our hands smooth.
  4. Learn how to use grips – Watch this Video and Picsil grips are my new fav and are the same as the Bear Komplex.
  5. Moisturise at night. Keep the skin healthy and soft with a good moisturising cream.
  6. Drain blisters then let them heal naturally.
  7. Protect open skin if you have ripped and keep them clean. Use gloves when you workout until they are healed

Having ripped hands sucks. Showering burns like hell and it affects your workouts for a few days afterwards. Use these tips to keep healthy hands and keep you in the game!

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