It’s the small compromises. The internal negotiations you engage in and succumb to daily, that are holding you back.
“Just one more.”
“I’ll start tomorrow. (or Monday)”
“Nobody will know.”
“That’s too risky.”
“That’s not for me anyway.”
The list could go on and on. The blame is often placed on outside factors that determine our situation in life.
But your actions dictate your results and there are very few things more powerful than your subconscious belief in yourself. Thousands of times per day we make decisions that build our belief, or erode our belief in ourselves.
Your internal processor (your brain) has millions of instances where you’ve kept your word, or compromised your word, and from that it has built an expectation of, “who you are.”
These small decisions are exactly what build you into the person deserving of the results you desire. You have to build that belief within yourself before you can receive it.
The belief is built in a compounding effect over time, long before the results expose themselves. It’s not one big business deal, one windfall of money, it’s not one trip to the gym, or one outing with your child where you put your phone down. It’s every single day – every small decision.
You don’t have to win them all. Just win the next one, and let the compounding begin.
Over the summer you will be faced with many situations that can put you further away from your health and fitness goals. An extra beer, a week with no workouts or poor nutritional choices. This also compounds – year over year the body aches more, the body weight increases and overall daily output gets lower.
After summer is the wrong answer, next week is the wrong answer, tomorrow is the wrong answer…
Today is the only day that matters.
The next meal, the next opportunity to move – they all need to be taken. There is no better investment than your health and fitness and now is the next best time after yesterday!
Just start…