Short Term Gain = Long Term Pain © 2018

You’ve set the alarm for 5am and you’re looking forward to tomorrow’s workout. You don’t sleep great so you snooze the alarm when it goes off then email your buddy saying you’re not going to make it “you don’t feel well”. You turn over and have an extra hour in bed…probably not sleeping but enjoying the fact you can lie there. You then spend the rest of the day annoyed because you missed your workout time and can’t get to the gym that day.

Has this ever happened to you? If it hasn’t then I’m sure one of these other scenarios have…

You’re going to a friend’s house…low key so you’re not going to have a drink or you’ll just have the one. There are a few more people there and it’s a bit of a party so of course, you can’t be the unsociable one. So you have a few too many, wake up the next day and feel terrible from a hangover!

If that wasn’t you, then maybe this is…

It’s Friday night, you’ve worked so hard all week. You’ve been so good and tracked all your food and crushed the gym 5 days in a row!!! You have EARNED a pizza tonight and a dessert! This trickles into a Saturday night takeaway and a Sunday Bruch. Roll onto Monday and you feel sluggish. Your guts don’t feel good and you sucked wind all workout!

I could go on all day with these types of scenarios. Truth is, every sin (if that’s what you call it) made is done because as humans we tend to search for short term satisfaction. We are mentally weak when it comes to resisting our temptations.

We are also drawn to the quick-fix solution. We expect 10 years of sedentary life to be solved in 6 weeks. The idea that a pill can give us the body we desire is very intriguing!

NOTHING replaces hard work and commitment.

Short Term PAIN = Long Term GAIN

We need to switch our mentality. A little short term suffering will give us more success in the future.

A lot of workouts that we do are hard and people do suffer during them. They are also fun and different. Not one person leaves the gym and wishes they didn’t come that day.

I want to say that we are for everybody, but we are not. There’s a certain mentality required to be successful at anything and that applies here too. 

There is no easy road… 

Just a fun and challenging one that requires a little short discomfort for a HUGE reward that makes you Better At Life!

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