Maximize Your Results: Consistency

In this blog series I’m going to talk about how to maximize your results at the gym. I’m going to give you a couple of things to focus on in each area and hopefully you can put them into place.

I’ve worked with many people over the years and I’ve helped many people with their fitness goals. Some have made good progress and others have made GREAT progress. 

Progress will always vary from person to person as there are many factors that come into play, but the ones who have made the most progress with their fitness tend to do all the things I will talk about over the next few blog posts.

The number one most important thing is CONSISTENCY. If you’ve read some of these blog posts before then you will have heard me harp on about this and I will continue to do so until my last breath.

There’s nothing that beats consistency…

It’s one of our core values at Defy as it’s that important.

Training 3-5 days a week for a year on any program will yield better results than 12 weeks of super scientific training where you measure every metric possible. 

Think of it this way, if you only put 12 weeks into your career – how far would you get?

I hate the fitness industry for all the BS that is advertised like “6 week abs”. We have created a short term mindset when it comes to our fitness. People are very successful selling “bikini body” programs a few months before summer.

It’s the wrong approach.

While 99% of people’s fitness goals can be summed up as Wanting To Look Better Naked, most people also want to be healthier long term. 

Very few people care about what they can do with their body…initially.

If you’re in your 40’s or 50’s and haven’t done much training over the last 20+ years, it is reasonable to expect that you will need quite a bit of time to reverse what has happened to your body over that time period.

You’ve likely focussed the last 20 years on your career or your kids, and those areas are probably going quite well for you now. So, it should be assumed that we need an equal amount of time to bring our health and fitness up to that standard.

Unfortunately it’s not! There’s an expectation that it can be a quick fix.

While we can make GOOD progress in a short space of time, we need a long term approach of consistent training to make GREAT progress.

Consistency is key!

Here’s 5 tips to help you with your consistency

  1. Find a time that works for you where you will not be needed by anyone – block that time off 3-5 days a week in your calendar and let nothing interrupt that (other than extreme emergencies).
  2. Book an appointment for extra accountability. This can be a class, a PT session or a meet up with a friend for a run
  3. Stick with this schedule as much as possible – build a habit.
  4. Continue on vacations, over holidays, no matter where you are. It’s harder to get back into things than to continue
  5. Think long term, like The Rest Of Your Life long term. Your health and fitness is forever, there’s no better investment.

Some methods of fitness are certainly better than others but that only matters if you’re consistent. Anything done regularly will yield better results than the best thing done irregularly. 

So, block that time in your calendar and get to it!

Start here

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