Have you failed yours yet?

January 19th is the day where around 80% of people have already given up on their New Years Resolutions (NYR). Our industry, the fitness industry, has the most NYR associated with it compared to any other. The top 3 would be:

  1. Lose Weight
  2. Go to the gym more
  3. Eat more healthy

On January 1st (or Jan 6th this year because that was the first Monday), everything feels great. Motivation is high it’s a new year – a new decade even! So why, only 2 weeks in, have most people failed?

  • Wrong expectations – if you haven’t exercised regularly for the last 5 years and you’ve been on a constant diet/rebound cycle then it is going to take some time to achieve your goals. You can make great progress in 2 weeks but likely nowhere near where you want to be. Health and fitness is a lifetime pursuit.
  • Wrong reasons – a new year doesn’t trigger any long-lasting desire to change the habits you previously had. Nobody wakes up a different person at the start of each year. Finding a legitimate reason, YOUR WHY, to make the change is the best way to make it stick.
  • Wrong execution – on day 1 you start the new ‘diet’ where you can only eat chicken and broccoli. You sign up for the gym and plan to go every day. This cold turkey, all-in approach, works for some people but for most, it isn’t realistic. Day 3 comes around and you’re hating life and ordering pizza as soon as you get home from work.

Changing habits is hard. The current data says it takes 66 days to form a habit. That’s 66 days of doing something that isn’t natural, likely not enjoyable to start with and very difficult on your own.

Accountability is what is needed the most. Find a coach or a mentor. If your NYR is to save more money this year – speak to someone who can set you on the right plan. If you have a health and fitness-related NYR, come and speak to us!

We set the correct expectations and don’t promise unrealistic results. We start off slow – in a 1-1 setting usually 3 times per week. We find and set your goals and build a plan to make sure you’re successful. 

Our mission is to Get People Better at Life – we can’t do that in 2 weeks, unfortunately. In 2 weeks though, we can get you started on a lifetime pursuit of health & fitness and those who commit will be rewarded in ways you wouldn’t believe.

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