Get the most out of your Beans

Calling all fellow coffee drinkers… READ THIS FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR HEALTH

Coffee is the second most popular beverage in the world after water. Coffee is a very cultural and social beverage with potential for health benefits. All coffee is not created equal though, so users beware! Be selective when it comes to your choice of coffee. Poor quality coffee will deny you of some of the potential health benefits and could add unwanted toxins to your system.

Initially the majority of coffee was grown without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides using sustainable methods. Like any successful industry that starts natural and small, money making begins to take precedent and industrial scale expansion follows. For coffee,  this meant the destruction of forests and the use of fertilizers and pesticides to promote maximal growth and revenue. This was a downward environmental spiral affecting forests, green space and wildlife alike. Not to mention, the quality and health benefits of the coffee bean were detrimentally affected.

There are still many organizations that maintain quality and continue to grow coffee in an organic, sustainable and earth friendly way. Consuming this type of coffee regularly can lead to a variety of benefits.

For adults consuming moderate amounts of coffee (3–4 cups/d), there is little evidence of health risks and some evidence of health benefits, like the prevention of type 2 diabetes. Regular coffee drinkers have a 30-50% lower risks of developing diabetes than non-consumers. The mayo clinic has also reported that coffee has been also associated with protection against Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes and liver disease, including liver cancer. Coffee also appears to improve cognitive function and decrease the risk of depression.

So next time someone tells you coffee is bad for your health, you can advise that it is quite the contrary and continue to sip and enjoy that cup of java. That said, I don’t advise adding cream or sugar to your coffee as this can create other health issues, especially if you are having multiple cups a day. Perhaps you would consider cutting back gradually in the amount of cream, milk and sugar you add over a couple of weeks to the point where black coffee is the mainstay of your consumption. You might find you actually prefer the taste.

Also, if you take anything away from this article, it should be that you MUST be selective in the type of coffee you buy for the sake of getting the benefit out of your bean. My favorite readily available brands that are ethically and healthfully grown are Kicking Horse Coffee,  Ethical Bean and Pilot Coffee Roasters.

For best results in terms of taste and freshness, grind the beans immediately before use. I love the Bodum line of coffee grinders. Keep in mind too that using a paper filter is better for health.  Use good quality biodegradable paper filters in your drip, pour over or aeropress device. The paper filter best removes chemicals found in coffee called diterpenes. The presence of diterpenes like cafestol can affect how well the liver functions to metabolize fat in the body. Metal filters and re-usable filters also remove some of the diterpenes, but not to the extent of paper.

Remember, small changes lead to bigger changes. I challenge you to change your coffee habits to optimize health. If you are already consuming coffee, why not adjust the type or method so that you are getting the most out of your beans!

Email your questions to me at As a lover of coffee and a health enthusiast, I would be thrilled to chat more on this subject.

Dr. Michelle

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