Better At Life

Recently, a member of Defy said this to me:

“I used to think that the Better At Life thing was just a marketing gimmick, but now I get it. If my daughter wants me to carry her upstairs, I don’t have to think twice about it. I can just pick her up and go”

That is one example of being Better At Life. I’m a Dad and I always want to be able to throw my kids around, do things that inspire them and compete with them at anything physical for as long as possible.

You may not have kids so being Better At Life may mean something different to you. Maybe it’s being able to go for a long hike at the weekend and not end up being sore for days afterwards. Or maybe it’s being able to say yes to anything physical that comes your way.

Maybe it’s just not living in pain anymore because your back, or your knee or your shoulder always bothers you.

Whatever it is, we can help you Get Better At Life.

The human body is an amazing machine. So amazing in fact, we can abuse it for many many years with sub par nutrition or lack of movement and it still functions for us. Some people get away with smoking all their life and still their body works for them.

I think this is a flaw. It allows us to get away with not looking after ourselves for too long without any real consequences. Imagine, how many people would eat McDonalds if something instantly stopped working as soon they ate it? 

The problem is though, many people don’t know that their body is performing sub optimally. Everyone is capable of doing some pretty remarkable things. Feeling tired everyday is not how it should be. Living in pain is not how it should be.

Getting Better At Life is about getting the most out of YOUR body to help you live your best life. We know we need to eat good quality, non processed foods. We know we need to move our body, keep it strong and use our full ranges of motion.

If you’re not doing this already then I can guarantee you life will be better when you do. I don’t want to ever miss an opportunity in life because I don’t think my body would be able to do that particular task.

Better At Life means something different to everyone but everyone can Get Better At Life with us!

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