I drove to the gym this morning at 5am. It felt like our first day of opening all over again. The final touches to our new signage were finished last night and it looks great.
It’s the start of a new chapter for us as Defy Functional Fitness – standing here watching the 5:30am crew start their day looks just as it did before. They are still getting better at life!
It’s been four long months with our doors closed. People have adapted to what is known as the ‘new normal’ – it’s time to change again to get to the ‘better normal’ – still taking all the necessary precautions but progressing forwards in life again.
People generally don’t like change, I don’t either. I like this change though – A LOT. I didn’t open a coaching facility to watch people workout through a screen, it works but it isn’t what we do best.
This is a clean slate for everyone…
What does your perfect day look like?
What time would you like to wake up?
When would you workout? (remember this should be a non-negotiable)
Would you go into work or would you work from home?
How long would you work?
You may be in a place where some of these things are decided for you – this doesn’t have to be the case if you don’t want it to be. YOU CAN change it.
Now is the best time in our lifetime to do that.